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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best hockey shops in Calgary

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Can anyone tell me what's a good place in Calgary to shop for hockey equipment? I'm more interested in a good quality selection rather than low end stuff like Crappy Tire might sell.


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tuxedo is pretty damn good, also try b and p cycle, as well as professional skate. if you wanna see some skates, you could check out the graf factory.

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tuxedo is pretty damn good, also try b and p cycle, as well as professional skate. if you wanna see some skates, you could check out the graf factory.

I'm travelling to Calgary this Summer. Maybe I could have some custom skates made for me while I'm there. It's time for a new pair and there is no PST in Alberta. Does anyone have more info about the Graf factory?


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