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Quick Shoulder Pad Suggestion

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I'm looking to upgrade my shoulder pad. I currently have Bauer 4000's I bought when I first started playing and they are way too bulky for me. Good protection, but I look and feel like a linebacker.

I've narrowed my choice down to the Nike shoulder pads. I live out in the middle of nowhere so I have to order online without trying the pads on first so I was looking for some help.

My initial thought was to go with the Nike v-14's. The look like they have a bit more protection than the other models, but my concern is the shoulder's look like they may be a bit bulky. Could anyone with any experience with the V-14's give me their impressions on mobility with these. Like I i said they look solid enough for me in the protection department, I'm just wondering how they are mobility wise vs. say the v-12 or v-11'2.


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I have the Nike V10 sholder pads. I like them but they are about the same bulk as the Bauer 4000's. The V10's are a little nicer but I think that you would be most happy by just getting yourself some low profile pads. Like the higher end Easton shoulder pads or the 8000 lightspeed fwd set of shoulder pads.

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I just changed mine over the weekend. I was using vapor 10's in shoulder and elbow for a couple years and they were very bulky.

I got the Easton Synergy 700 shoulder pads and love them. Using reebok 5K elbow pads with them and the difference in mobility is unbeleivable.

If you haven't already ordered the Nike's, I would give serious consideration to the Easton's. Spine protection is excellent. They do size out differently as I had large in vapors and a medium Easton is perfect.

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Thanks for the help. I actually just stumbled upon new Easton Stealth S9 shoulder pads and they look exactly like what im looking for. I guess there whole purpose is to be mobile, while offering solid protection where it's needed. I'm going to order the V-12's and the stealth 9's and try them both on. Thanks.

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I just got the new Stealth shoulders and they are great---light, protective. I've had the V-12's before and the Stealths are better.

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Just thought I'd update anyone in case thier interested:

So I ordered the Nike V-14's and the Easton Stealth Sps 9's. Here are my impression's

Nike v-14:

The Good: Their relatively light weight and mobile. I really liked the buckle style enclosure's instead of the usual velcro, so there's nothing to snag your jersey on. They seemed very well protective.

The Bad: The shoulder caps were very big. As big as my old Bauer 4000's. Since this was primarily what I wanted to change about my old pads I knew these wouldn't be right for me.

The ugly: The pad's are pretty ugly, sorry.

Easton Stealth SPs 9:

Well, these pads are pretty awesome. The shoulder caps are great. Low profile, very mobile, and protective. The rest of the pad is the same way. Everything is highly adjustable, from the length of the belly pad, which is also removable, to the length of the bicep guards. Light mobile and ery protective.

I stuck with the Easton's.

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good to see you found something you like.. I just recently got the Stealth S5 and love them.. I'm coming from bauer 2000s (which I've actually seen a few guys wearing in the league)... but anyways, I like the new stealth, for having more protection than my old bauers, they are quite mobile and you can't beat the low shoulder caps..

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Any chance on pics to see a comparison on the bulk factor? That's mainly what I was looking for is something mobile, lite and the least bit bulky. I've been looking at RBKs but haven't had a chance to try them on, but my shop did have the Synergy 900s and those felt quite nice, just no mirrors in the shop so I couldn't really tell how big they looked on me.

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Yes, the Nike's have bigger caps than the Stealths. The Synergy line shoulders have a super low profile cap vs. the Stealths--but the Stealths are lighter and more mobile.

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what you can't see on the Stealth's is that there is a floating spine protector, kind of like that piece you see on the front of the synergy, except its on the back of the stealth, maybe they changed it up for mobility (although I havn't seen a back shot of the synergy so that might have it as well).. I have the Stealth S5 and really like them, I almost got the synergy's because those caps seemed to look lower but I read they are more bulky, I"m very satisfied with the Stealth's and the caps are pretty small.

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