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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Some flex questions....

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I normally use an 85 flex but i've heard the stealth are whippier than normal OPS, should i stick with an 85 flex in the stealth? Does anyone know if the new warrior sticks are also whippy like the stealth?

Another question is would a int tapered blade fit into a synergy II sr shaft? I always thought that int blades weren't as stiff so combining that with a sr shaft it would get a better whip, kinda like the stealths. I could be way off on that though.

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Another question is would a int tapered blade fit into a synergy II sr shaft? I always thought that int blades weren't as stiff so combining that with a sr shaft it would get a better whip, kinda like the stealths. I could be way off on that though.

You can put an Int. blade in the Sr. shaft but it won't work well. There will be too much extra space and the blade will shift around. That will add stress and could cause the blade to break. You need a Sr. blade for the Easton shaft. If you want something whippier you could get a TPS whip flex of get an Int. RBK/CCM shaft(almost as long as a Sr. Easton).

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no i didn't want something whippier, just an idea that popped in my head. Although i just recall some people saying to bump up to a higher flex on a stealth do to the whippiness.

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What type of shots do you take? If take mostly wrist shops I wouldn't bother getting a stiffer flex. If you take a lot of slapshots, then you might want the 100 flex.

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ok that works for me. now i just have to decided what to wait for. the new mac daddy or the CNT stealths.

Mac Daddys are already out, can find them around. CNTs are slowly starting to pop up on ebay these days.

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I think you can use a 100flx and you'd be better off. But then again, I don't know how you shoot. Have you played with anything softer before? Anything stiffer? I think the 100flx stealth is quite soft and but not as soft as 85. Maybe 90ish.

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