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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton grip

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hi i was wondering how many of you use or used a 2004 easton grip lite and i was wondering if i could get some oppinies on it cause i have one and i like it alot it is 110 flex p.s it is a shaft

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I don't get it. You want opinions on a stick that you have and use? Here's my opinion: if you like it a lot (as you say), then it's a great stick; if you don't like using it, it's crap. Did that help?

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i had that shaft 110 flex and loved it. it eventually broke after taking a pretty hard slash. I haven't found a stick since that I'm happy with, hopefully the new dolomite i have ordered will be good tho B)

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I have to agree with the others.

If I had a good stick that I liked using, then I wouldn't want another opinion because that would start a domino effect of doubt in my mind resulting in the binge buying of new stuff. (THat's just me though)

I have a buddy who uses an aluminum Power Flite shaft he got from a store back in 1997. He loves it because it because of the weight and the "sturdiness" of it. He even thinks that the very noticable 10 or so degree bend in the middle of the shaft gives it "personality." But he loves it and he won't go with anything else for some reason.

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