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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about chasis size

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HI Stock07 is selling a Mission -S- Frames that came off his 7500 skates size 7.

Will these fit my nike flexlite 9 size 10 skates??


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You could, but technically it will be too small. What will happen if you put a small chassis on a large skate is that you will feel unbalanced, and leaning too far forward or too far back will throw you off or cause you to fall altogher. A small chassis should be used on nothing much bigger than a size 8. Medium for size 8 to 9, 9 1/2, and a large for 9 1/2 and up.

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As I recall the later Nikes fit large...ie a size 8 in a Nike was comfortable for a skater who wears a size 10 shoe in many cases....hence if your Nikes are comparable in sizing....they would be like a size 12 Mission...which normally fits pretty close to shoe sizes.

Hence a chassis from a size 7 Mission boot would be out of the question....a large chassis would probably be in order...if using a Mission chassis.

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