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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Endure Shaft

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Its a solid shaft, not top end. Has some slash zone protection like the Endure OPS. Not light, but not real heavy either. I paired it with a Z-Carb Si-Core for my backup stick. That was a pretty balanced set up.

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What is the main difference between the Endure Shaft and the Vapor X shaft? I'm thinking it's just the alloy mesh along the bottom of the shaft.

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I liked mine. The slash protection would have been better if it ran all the way to the end of the shaft though. The grip was good, it did feel a little boxy though, no biggee.

What flex did you have? I like my shafts stiff and i've only seen the Endure offered in a 102 flex and not in 112. What were the shafts strong and weak points, would you recommend it?

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