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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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home-made skill pad?

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I was wondering if anyone here has ever made their own skill pad, and if they might be willing to share how it was done? I mean I have theories about how I might go about making one, but they mainly revolve around finding teflon somewhere, then nailing it to a thin board. Anyone?

(searched for a previous thread re: this topic and couldn't find one)

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I've been using one of those plastic mats that you put under your office chairs. For the most part, that's been working pretty well.

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I have a fake-wood shelf about 2.5 feet long by about a foot wide. I cleaned one side, waxed it and then put teflon spray on it. I use a street puck that has never been on the street so it is still smooth. I also use a golf ball on it and a lead fishing weight that I taped up. I also made a balance board from another shelf and a peice of PVC pipe. I have another peice of old shelving that I can stand on with my skates unlaced for a little more of a balance challenge.

I use the board at home in the living room. FLop the board on the carpet and go at it. Only other mods I have made is to tape the bottom of the stick so it does not click against the wood and wake everyone up. I also taped the golf ball so it is quieter on the board. It does not make any difference on the ball's speed though. As all this stuff was lying around I consider it to have been free except for the teflon spray and wax.

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Check your phone book for a local plastic supplier that sells High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) sheets. Then check if they have any “remnants†in the size you are looking for. I got a 3/16†thick 4’x4’ piece for about $20. Take it home, clean it, spray a bit of silicon lubricant on it, wipe it off and presto…Plastic Ice. :D

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