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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stealth durability?

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how is the stealths durability i am thinking abut getting one when they come out but i dont want to spen all the money n it brake a day afer warranty?

anyone have one?

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If the Stealth CNT is not out yet then why would anyone know how the durability is.Your question is ironic, and also if a stick breaks a day after the warranty then its not the sticks fault is it?

And the stealth has been out since 2004.

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how is the stealths durability i am thinking abut getting one when they come out but i dont want to spen all the money n it brake a day afer warranty?

anyone have one?

Search, Tons of threads on the stealths durability.

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im talking about the new stealth i have a 05 stealth and the durabilty is ok but i want to know ive seen some cnt stealths on ebay and i wanted to knnw wha the durability is like?

you guys take things way to serious on this thing geeez :D

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im talking about the new stealth i have a 05 stealth and the durabilty is ok but i want to know ive seen some cnt stealths on ebay and i wanted to knnw wha the durability is like?

you guys take things way to serious on this thing geeez :D

Like it already been said, the CNT Stealth is justing hitting the market. There isn't going to be a lot of information about the durability of the stick. Also using the search function, I found this.


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One of my friends has one and I played with him at open hockey today. He said it is stronger than the old one and likes it a lot more. The only thing I noticed bad was it was unbalanced with the blade being heavier.

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One of my friends has one and I played with him at open hockey today. He said it is stronger than the old one and likes it a lot more. The only thing I noticed bad was it was unbalanced with the blade being heavier.

I really like the new feel of it. Best stick I've ever used. the shaft is reinforced so the shaft should hold up longer than the 05 models.

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