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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Radius issue?

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Lately I feel like I am not getting the power in my skating I used to. It feels like I am not getting enough blade on the ice. I always feel like I am skating on balls of my feet and having little blade contacting the ice. I am skating on tuuks-unknown radius. I havent really been a fan of the tuuks for the last 8 years, before that I skated on ICM holders and they felt much better. Is this a radius issue? A balance point issue on the blade? I know stock tuuks have like a 9-10' radius. Should I go to a larger radius to get more blade on the ice? What is the best way to go.

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The skates I have had for the last 3 years-holder and steel was replaced about a year ago. I havent always been exactly comfortable on tuuks. But it seems a little more as of late. I have thought it may be the sharpening. I switched sharpeners and same result. Different hollows make no difference. It almost feels like the holder needs to be moved up forward on the skate to get a better balance point.

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The skates I have had for the last 3 years-holder and steel was replaced about a year ago. I havent always been exactly comfortable on tuuks. But it seems a little more as of late. I have thought it may be the sharpening. I switched sharpeners and same result. Different hollows make no difference. It almost feels like the holder needs to be moved up forward on the skate to get a better balance point.

Maybe it's not your radius per se, but just that your profile/radius has changed and you need to get your skates re-profiled with the same radius. Changing sharpeners won't help if your profile is gone. My guy says you should get it done every 10-15 hours, which sounds a bit frequent for my wallet, but it can make a huge difference.

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yeah, maybe over time if you consistantly had the same person doing you skates, they me a bit rough on a certain spot and it just had worn down where it feels different, because it is getting worse every time they are sharpened.

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Good point guys. I have never had any of my skates "re-profiled/radiused" ever. Considering my other complaint is my skates sometimes "bind" when making a sharp turn, I think you guys have opened my eyes to something I was taking for granted. Now where do I begin. I would assume there are templates for radiusing. Given my complaints-what radius should I start with? 9ft? 11ft? 13ft? Can I visually see if my radius is screwed up?

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