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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is there a way of practising your edges on rollerblades?

And sometime I see some guys go into a wide stance and kina lift up there skate why do they do this.

And when you turn are you suppose to life up one skate or both?

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When you turn you are supposed to keep both feet on the ice and drive into it.

For rollerblades, they don't reall have edges. I skate around without them tied up to strengthen my ankles (and because I am lazy) which usually helps with edge control.

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This is what i've been taught. When turning you do need a wide stance. But I think what you mean by them "lifting up their leg" is not what it seems. In the direction you are turning, your inside foot should not dig into the ice, but it should be used more as a guide for your turn. You almost want to 'shave' it along the ice on your outside edge in the turn. Also that foot should be in front of your outside foot when turning.

You don't want to have both feet parallel to eachother and that inside skate should not cut into the ice much at all.

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maybe he is referring to some guys that do sharp tight turns lifting the skate but keeping the heel on the ice.. almost like as if braking with the old school rollerblades with the brake on the heel.. is that what you're talking about?

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Seems like you instead want the old fashion types of skates, the ones with two pairs of wheels side by side. Then you can use the edge of the left wheels when turning left, and the edge of the right wheels when turning right. Just a guess!

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Well I'd love to reply but I have no idea what the original poster is talking about. :blink: :P

From my experience, I haven't found much use for skating techniques on the ice using rollerblades. I only rollerblade to work on my stance, building leg muscles, strengthening my ankles, and balance and control moving quickly while stickhandling. I do a lot of stickhandling using a swedish stickhandling ball while on my rollerblades, since it is harder to stop... forces you to push forward and keep the ball with you. I almost think that if you were trying to use your rollerblades to help with your ice technique, you'd be doing yourself a disservice...

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To me rollerblading and ice skating is only the same for so long. I mean, there is too many differences and after awhile your hurting yourself one way or another. If your rollerblading to practice for ice, or ice skating to practice for roller hockey, once you reach a certain point the techniques are too different, ie stopping.

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you cant really practice your edges on roller blades because they have more grip at different point.

For Example. - roller blade have a better grip when they are upright --> | |

whereas ice skates have more grip when the edges are cutting in --> \ \

so if you try the same things on roller blades as you do in ice you may end up having less grip or sliding out and falling over, and visa versa.

Please correct me any of this is wrong!

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You can still practice using your edges... to a certain point. For example, if you want to practice using the outside edge of your inside skate, you can still do so.

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