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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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three hockey channels

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anybody else in the detroit area a little pissed off that fox and cbc are both showing the wings oilers game, and oln is showing a '96 flyers penguins game?

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I'm pretty sure OLN only had the rights to 2 games. TSN or other broadcasters had the other 2. Probably showing the '96 game since it was already being shown on other networks.

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We had SJ/NSH on TSN and OTT/TB on CBC. I was a little pissed I didn't get to see the EDM game. That SJ game (only caught the third) looked awesome though.

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The reason the Wings game was not on OLN was because it is against the law. It is called "local blackout restrictions." This playoff run, you probably will not see a wings game on OLN for at least the first two rounds, while the local carriers still are running the coverage. When the conference finals roll around, you will once again be able to see Wings games on OLN or NBC.

The reason you were not differed to another game on OLN is because at that time, the only game OLN was carrying was the wings game, and since they can't show you that, you saw the Flyers vs. Pens from '96.

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I am in Ontario and had access to all four games with Express Vu, watched Detroit vs Edmonton on a CBC region from somewhere out west.

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