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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does any one wear weights before they play a game

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hi i am wanting to no if it is better to wear weights before a game or not ? please can some one tell me ?

Liam Murray _/

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hi i am wanting to no if it is better to wear weights before a game or not ? please can some one tell me ?

Liam Murray _/

well i wear a lot of weight around all the time! :P

i gues for summer practice it is a good thing to do some specific excercises with extra weight, but for me it would not have to much sense to do something just before a game for just feeling lighter / faster(i guess thats the effect you maybe trying to have?). <_<

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Derek Armstrong of the Kings does.

The famous story among my buddies is he's showed up at a early morning drop-in and burned by everyone. Then they got to the locker room and were dismayed to learn he had been wearing a 25 pound vest.... :o

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