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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks On Plane

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i work in the cargo business and know how airline handles the luggage from the terminal to the plane they are put on a movable carpet that goes out of the terminal where they decent down to the lugage loading area from there there guys who load the lugage into small karts that then drive them to the plane wich can be quite far most don't care and don't close the kart net to save time and stuff can fall out of it and get rolled over or lost they realy don't care or are not carefull the only way it get missing is if it was missorted or lost on the ramp or airside. then form there it get loaded in the belly of the plane where they throw them in and stacks them. airlines have contract with a handling compagnie who do several planes at the same time sometimes so they have to rush.

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courier ups,fedex are better cause you can inssure it but even with them you can not guarante your stick will get there in one piece if you knew how it travels they load everything in containers or belly and stack everything sometime they have a lot they can only use one container for that destination and they pack the container tight so imagine your stick be loaded on the bottom of the container. but if your stick happend to be broken when it comes of a airline plane you can make a complain and say that it there fault and your stick was broke during handling. they should pay for the damage. they are responsible for there handling compagnie they contracted.

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