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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller league

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Allright some me & some of my buddies are thinkin about makin our own tornament team ro a league team ro something?is their an accual league we'd play 16u and like how does this roller stuff work? its was like7 years ago when i played for a travel team.anyone ahve anything for me thanks

Mike The Goalie

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Depending on where you are playing depends on if there is a 16u house league, most places dont have enough kids to form a complete league and they usually get slpit up between adult teams, but then again some places dont let under 18's play in adult and youd have to play in whatever age group is lower....House leagues in general is kinda hard to say cause it varies from place to place depending on the number of kids in a particuler age group...BUT travel tournys are a diffrent story, most all the major series have a 16u division(not sure of age cut offs though) just do a google search for all the major tourny series such as NARCH, TORHS,2hot4ice, topcat, etc......maybe that will help

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