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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1300's for Rollerblades

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I am about to make a pair of Easton 1300c's ice skates into rollerblades. I was wondering if anyone else has done that with these skates, or if someone can give me a reason why this is a good or bad idea. I am just worried that I might be ruining a perfectly good pair of ice skates.

Thanks for your help

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Kid in my league has a pair of sensors on his. He doesn't seem to have any problems.

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I did this with a pair of Synergy 500s (I don't have the money to buy top of the line!) and there was a topic about it a little while back, I posted a pic of my skates in there if you want to see how they turned out.


I really like em and I'm sure that if you did it with 1300s then they'd be even nicer!

Be sure to post a pic if you get it done!

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