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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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KOR fit VS CCM 759 (852) Tack

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I have a pair of size 9 eee CCM tacks and whould like to know what size KOR Shift 1 I would need. I tried the search but no luck. Thanks in advance



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I would always try the skate on before you buy it. If you don't have it available locally, I'd buy from a vendor who will take the skate back if it doesn't fit (i.e. Hockey Giant). But I'd first patronize your LHS if you can. If I had to guess, I'd say you'd wear a 10 in Kor Shift 1s. They're about a size smaller. Also, the width is irrelevant since they will adapt to your foot.

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I would agree with the size 10 for KOR's assuming that you were fitted correctly in your CCM's. I had CCM 852's in a size 8 and Bauer's in a size 8.5. my Kor's are a size 9.

There are other options for getting the skates other than Hockey Giant too. Look around for the giant thread on Shift 1's (I think it's on this 1st page actually) and you'll see other options for getting them. You may want to PM Jimmy or Chadd.

(hope that's not against any rules!)

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The problem is I can get a good deal on a used pair but they are not local, meybe I should just buy them if they don't fit I can sell them.

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If you're asking me there is no comparison between Tacks and Kors. Kors are the best skate I have ever owned and possibly the only company I will ever buy skates from again.

See this thread for everyone's opinions on them.....


you should probably keep any questions or comments there because you'll have a lot better luck getting a response from other users on there.

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