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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inside Edges

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Ok so I am 15 and have been skating for about 11 or so years, and i still have a lousy inside edge stop with my right leg (im lefty), but my left leg is fine for stopping on my inside edge. Is there anything that could be done to improve my Inside Edge stops for my 'weak' side leg? Ive been practicing but i just loose balance whenever I try it. Thanks

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Inside edge? How are you with your outside edge? Can you stop on your right outside edge with your left leg up in the air?

Because most/all skaters learn their inside edges before their outside edges. I'm really shocked actually by your post.

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I am too.. my left outside edge is the weak edge.

edit: try doing one foot snow plough, as in one foot stays pointed straight but you use the other to shave the ice.

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could be:

1) skate is too big. Maybe that foot is smaller than the other one.

2) Leg/ankle is too week. Work on a one-legged squat. Try balancing on one foot for 2 minutes at a time. Every time you tie your sneaker, balance on one foot while doing it.

3) You need instruction. Call your local figure skating instructor and ask for some lessons on "edge work"

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Unfortunately, it usually comes down to practice, practice, practice. I have noticed that most skaters working on their "weak" side stops tend to lean forward or crunch up trying to minimize falling. They even lean in the direction they are coming from which totally works against the grain. I've been able to help a few buddies with their weak side stops by helping them maintain good technique

So, make sure your head is up, knees are bent, etc. Focus on technique, go slowly and practice, practice, practice. ;)

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