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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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UL grip compared to SL grip?

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Hi, just broke for the second time my SL grip shaft(so actually this is the third time lol!!)

I'm lookginf for something A BIT more durable, but with still the same feel, which mean Light, and shaft shape(rounded).

Is the UL grip as light as the SL? is it more durable? weight-wise? or maybe the vapor X, i don't know i'm here to read your suggestion


By the way the shaft will be paired with a Z-Carbon blade.

P.S: If you have something to offer me i'm open, pm me

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I've found that the UL is more boxy than the SL. Feels more like the old silver snyergy stick. I've had great durability with the UL. The Vapor X is slighty more rounded and has the wheelbarrow handle. I don't know about its duarability.

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how is the grip on the UL, same as any other easton? light tacky grip?

Also how is the TFG? i read the review and 2 said it was a light shaft and 2 said it was on the heavy side, so i don't know what to think..

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