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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do Warrior flexes match up to Easton ones?

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From reading general posts and user feedback I think the flexes of Easton to Warrior is as follows. Is this right? Please correct if I am wrong.

Warrior | Easton

75 | 85

85 | 100

100 | 110

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I'd say your ratio sides are right..(like warrior 85 is stiffer than easton 85) but I dont think it's that dramatic of a difference. Also different Easton sticks have different stiffnesses. In a Stealth, a 100 flex is whippier than a 100 flex ST.

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i beg to differ,

got a 85 dolomite that is pretty whippy

no whippy as in

its not like the 100 easton

its like an 85 easton

they match up pretty well flex wise

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The dolomite shafts that I have are 85 flex and they feel like most other 85 flex shafts/sticks I've used before. I think that the flexes match roughly. On another note, are there other people that think the Easton Stealths are whippier than the flex listed. I've tried a 100 and an 85 and they both felt whippier. Other Easton sticks don't seem this way to me, its weird.

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my starskie 85flex is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay stiffer then my 85 CNT stealth

hence why I need to get rid of the 100flex's cause i'm just a wimp :o

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