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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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OPS versus Two Piece

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Right now I'm using a Weight curve Warrior MacDaddy OPS as my main stick, and I love it to death. I'm worried though that the day it breaks is around the corner, you know Murphy's Law and all. So I was considering going with a Dolomite two-piece with the Weight curve Warrior blade, to see how that might work out. My only concern is that I haven't used a two-piece stick in like 10 years, dating back to the silver aluminum Easton shaft I still have in the basement. How is the durability of the two piece sticks? Will it "loosen" after use and make a shot weak? How durable is the blade compared to a one piece? Of course, it would be so much cheaper to replace a blade than a whole stick. But I don't want to lose any accuracy or power from it. Thoughts?

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If you get a tapered shaft, you will lose very little performance from your Mac Daddy. The biggest thing you will notice is that a two piece combo will be heavier. The weight isn't a huge difference but it is noticable. As for the blade loosening, I've never had a problem with that. If the blade loosens, you just pull it out, add more glue or tape, and put it back in the shaft.

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