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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stopping on outside edge

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Basically, I have no idea how to do this, although it seems like it could be useful since it does get your outside foot already in the air for a crossover in the event that you need to change directions really quickly (or it could just make my life easier doing liners). Any tips?

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try T-stops making sure your on that outside edge, at first you will probably barely get that edge down and you'll be shaving ice and gliding pretty far, but as you get more acquired with your balance, you can apply more pressure and soon enough you'll be able to do it quicker and eventually without that front foot at all to guide you. if you don't have time to sit around and do this during a free skate or something, just try when you can, like on your way to the bench after a shift or as your exiting the ice. just take a few strides and do a t-stop. don't forget to practice both left and right.

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I can only do it properly on one side, I'm a little shaky on the other, but it takes practice. I'm a right shot and can do it well on my left leg.

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Two words: ankle strength. Try walking around your dorm room (or whatever) with your skates not really laced up at all. Do this while reading, stickhandling etc. Your ankles should be sore the next morning. But it's good for your ankle strength, which translates into crossovers and stopping on the outside edge.

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