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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sizing Question: Going from Vapors to Grafs

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I bought a cheap pair of Vapor VII's to see if I liked ice-hockey and I really enjoy playing so now its time to upgrade. My VII's (which i hate) are size 8.5EE and they feel a little loose/wide.

Anyways, I am looking at the Graf 700 series and I was wondering how low I could go. I'm 5'9 140 and I have regular sized feet. What Graf size do you think would work best for me? Do you think I could squeeze into a 7.5 or would an 8 be better?



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id say that if the bauers were too wide for you, you would probably fit best in the Graf 703 Regular width skate. You will also feel a big difference in your stance. Graf skates lean forward compared to the tuuks

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id say that if the bauers were too wide for you, you would probably fit best in the Graf 703 Regular width skate. You will also feel a big difference in your stance. Graf skates lean forward compared to the tuuks

but if his ankles sit abit more forwad he would be better in a 705 just because its abit deeper fitting of a boot

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Grafs generally run about 1 size smaller than your shoe size. If you are a 9.5 shoe, the 7.5 Grafs will probably be too small.

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Grafs generally run about 1 size smaller than your shoe size.  If you are a 9.5 shoe, the 7.5 Grafs will probably be too small.

yes.. I am a 9.5/10ish (mens.. yea i have big feet :P) and I use a 9D graf, I should be in a 8.5 tho.. i would try a pair on..

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Grafs generally run about 1 size smaller than your shoe size.  If you are a 9.5 shoe, the 7.5 Grafs will probably be too small.

yes.. I am a 9.5/10ish (mens.. yea i have big feet :P) and I use a 9D graf, I should be in a 8.5 tho.. i would try a pair on..

Yeah, my shoe size is around 10.5 and my Grafs are 9.5. I was measured in a 9 but it didn't feel comfortable.

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I'm in a size 11D Graf, and 13 Shoe. I would personally go try on the skates before you buy them. Because Graf makes a skate for every style of foot pretty much.

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prime example here between Miike and I he is 11D Graf 13 shoe, where as I wear a 10D Graf 12.5/13 shoe...try the skates on before you buy them

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prime example here between Miike and I he is 11D Graf 13 shoe, where as I wear a 10D Graf 12.5/13 shoe...try the skates on before you buy them

Excatly. I tried on a 10.5D Graf, and it fit, but was just a tad to snug, so i bumped up to the 11D and it felt much better. So anything can happen. Don't go by what some people say on the internet. Try on the skates first :)

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Yes, everyone should try a skate on first. Everyone's feet are different. And when you guys are saying you wear a certain size shoe are you talking about athletic or dress shoe ? That's not clarified as well. When I say I'm an 11 that is a dress shoe. In my Nike b-ball shoes, running shoes and all athletic shoes I'm a 12. But yes, try them on first.

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Yes, everyone should try a skate on first. Everyone's feet are different. And when you guys are saying you wear a certain size shoe are you talking about athletic or dress shoe ? That's not clarified as well. When I say I'm an 11 that is a dress shoe. In my Nike b-ball shoes, running shoes and all athletic shoes I'm a 12. But yes, try them on first.

When i say a 13 shoe, i mean like a regular running shoes, cross trainer etc..

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Ok, well that's different then. That's why you are saying you are 2 sizes down from your shoe size because you are going by your athletic shoes which are an 13.

I wear a 12 in athletic shoes. 11 in dress, sandals, etc which is what most people go by when they say their shoe size. Everything I've ever heard about skate sizes is it's "X" sizes from your shoe size. Bauer is typically 1.5 from your shoe size and Graf is only 1 size down.

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just add my $0.02...I recently switched from Bauers to Grafs (703s) and used the exact same size (6D to 6R). in other words, the skates are sized very closely....

good luck

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