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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey stores in Ottawa, Canada?

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Im in the market for a new pair of inline hockey skates (tour bluemax).

I am travelling to canada in 2 months time, and I would like to purchase a pair of bluemax skates rather than order them from here in Australia (costly shipping).

Does anyone know of a hockey store in Ottawa that sells inline skates?

If you know one please let me know. Thanks.


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Hey Lawrence,

You might want to check out these shops when you are in town...

I'm not sure if any of them carry Tour skates though, it is my understanding that these are more popular/readily available in the US but I could be wrong...

Houle Sports - the owner run's a local roller league so they have a decent selection of skates - it is about 10 minutes East of downtown

Houle Sports

Valiquette - 5-10 minutes West of downtown, big hockey shop, not sure about their roller gear though.


Figure 8 - 5 minutes from downtown, primarily a skate shop, again not 100% sure about roller gear

Figure 8

I'd call ahead though to check what they have, good luck!

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