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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Rat VT333 or 7333

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Hey guys I need new wheels for my blades and epuck has a sale on the Rink Rat VT333 and the VT733. The 733 is a dollar extra per wheel. Do any of you have any expierence with either wheel? and is the 733 worth the extra buck a wheel?


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the vt333 will last longer outside and is slightly harder, the vt733 is slighty higher performance but won't last as long outdoors

if you are just playing indoors the vt733 would probably be better, if you are playing outside it wont be worth the extra dollar per wheel and you should go with the vt733, if you play both (yeah i know they are both multisurface)...its kinda up to you IMO

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