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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Outside edge control

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anyone know of any good exercises or specific techniques to practise which will help me gain better control over my outside edges?

because most of the time when i skate I do that thing that defencemen do which is rest on both inside edges so you can change direction quickly, but obviously this has proved detrimental to my outisde edge control. i mean i find it so hard to even curve around a corner on outside edges :(

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i mean i find it so hard to even curve around a corner on outside edges :(

Practice that. A lot.

Skating circles (forwards and backwards) will help with your edges, outside and inside. Just skate around all the faceoff circles, switching direction around each one. Go as fast as you can without falling over and while doing crossovers, both forwards and backwards.

You can also try getting up some speed and then lifting one foot off the ice and turning the opposite direction (lift left foot, curve right). You'll only have your outside edge on the ice, so you'll have to get better at using it. If you then put your lifted foot down, pick up the other foot, and turn the other way, you can practice both outer edges in turns.

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Practise stopping with only your outside edge on one skate. Practise both skates a lot.

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Here's a pretty common power skating drill...

Make C cuts just on your outside edges. In other words make a left turn in the shape of a C on the outside edge of your left skate then go to the right on your right outside edge and just keep going back & forth -left-right-left-right- until your ears bleed. Keep your head up, knees bent & turn your shoulders where you want to go and your feet will follow.

It's hard as crap at first but if you keep at it eventually you'll build up enough strength and balance to pull it off easily and your outside edges will become a strength instead of a weakness.

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