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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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San Jose Sharks equipment sale

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hello everyone...we live in the Bay Area and want some new sharks equipment...is there n e one who knows when the sale is...could u tell me when and where it is.

Thanks a lot

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i emailed the sharks about mid-way through the 2nd rd. they said it would be when the season was over. so i emailed them again yesterday and have yet to hear from them. i might be traveling from southern california to the sale if it will fit in my schedule. anyone been to the sale in the past? if you so what were the prices like?

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I've been to their sales in the past.

The usually post when it's scheduled on the web site. They also send emails to season ticket holders.

The prices range from great to just okay.

Skates you can get great deals on. I got a pair of Tom Preissing S500 Missions for $55. Sticks on the other hand go for close to retail. Jerseys are another story altogether....like $210 for AHL guys and up for pro's.

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Keep us posted when you hear something. I am pretty close to SJ.

I saw your post over on the Sharks board, but they delete old posts after a few days so I don't see it anymore. There is another thread going, but no new info.

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Historically the Sharks sale has been on a Saturday at Logitech. They typically have a private sale in advance for the LHS owners and then have a general sale following. Given the timing etc, I would think that its going to happen on the earliest June 3rd, but I would imagine the 10th or 17th are more likely.


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i just spoke with a media relations intern and they said there is no set date yet but it should be within the 1st 2 weekends in june, when i hear a exact date i will post it. anyone from the SJ area and recommend a hotel that is close to Logetech? i am gonna travel up from SOCAL

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