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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whitby wildcat

Sher-Wood custom sticks

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I want to get sher-wood to make me a custom stick. Does anyone know what the minimum order is and how much it is going to cost me. Also what sticks are available in custom. If possible I would like a wooden stick or wooden blades for a 2 piece stick. thanks.

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I want to get sher-wood to make me a custom stick. Does anyone know what the minimum order is and how much it is going to cost me. Also what sticks are available in custom. If possible I would like a wooden stick or wooden blades for a 2 piece stick. thanks.

There's been lots of threads about this. Search next time. Minimum order is 12 for sticks/blades etc... Goto your LHS to see if they deal with Sher-wood, if so they have there own price per stick i believe. Get your choice of colors, pattern etc... You can get the 5000 (or 5030, dont know excat stick model) 7000, 9050. 9050 being the stiffest etc.

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