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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Outdoor arenas with nets in Toronto?

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Anyone know any outdoor arenas with nets in Toronto? We're looking for a place to play some ball hockey without having to rent out an arena.. I know there's a place near the William Lyon Mackenzie High School but they dont have any nets.

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Regent Park South, the rink in Riverdale just west of Broadview, and I think the rink on Bathurst just south of Dundas all have nets. Or at least they did last summer.

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Dieppe Park...Cosburn and ?Greenwood? has nets in winter...think they leave them for the summer, will check next time I drive by.

Withrow Park...Carlaw s. of Danforth had them last summer.

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