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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission D1c's

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I have had my D1's for more than a year now, and I have used them alot. When I first got them I thought they were the best rollerblades I ever had, good ankle support, and really comfortable. Lately though it seems like the skate is giving me no support in the ankle, and it is a struggle to get through the game with how uncomfortable the skates are now. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem, and is it time for a new pair of skates because I notice after games my lower anterior calve muscles are killing me.

thanks guys

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depends how many times you skate a week. I to had this problem with my d1cs but then again a skated almost 5-6 times a week. If i didnt skate that much they wouldnt have broken down because of the wear i put on them

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Yeah the D1, D1C, and The 05 Heliums were terrible as far as ankle support. They were made to be light and they were but you suffered as far as support (I too ripped the Chassis right off the boot-I skate about 3-4 time per week). However the New Heliums (9500) are fantastic as far as support. A Little stiff at first but once you break them in they are fantastic. If you are looking for a new skate you cannot go wrong with either the 7500 or 9500.

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Had D3, D3c, D1c, He 950. All pretty... lets say... broken?

D3 actually still in one piece, just the chassis is dented.

D3c came apart at the toe and later spread across the outsole.

D1c, like I said.

He 950, held up the best, actually. Funny that I say this. It lasted 10 months, but after a strenuous struggle, collapsed completely.

I don't abuse women, children, or elderly, but I beat the crap out of skates.

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Used to skate on D1C's. Always had stiffness problems. I gave up on them long before the skate gave up one me.

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I loved my D1s too but like the other guys my outsole started tearing off. At that point I stopped skating in them and got the he950s. They were great for about 8 months(skating 3-4 times a week) and then they started to break down. After talking to Mission Customer Support(who was awesome by the way) I got the 9500s and couldn't be happier. They took some time to break in they hurt like crazy for a few games but now they are absolutely amazing.

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I loved my D1s for about 2 months. Then they literally fell apart. The outsoles cracked and fell off the boot. My '99 Flow Mod 4s lasted me 3 years, and the D1s didnt even make it 3 months before i junked 'em. After that I bought a new older pair of missions on Ebay, and now I've switched over to the Tour Beemer. Hum'er Chassis and all 80mm wheels is a beutiful thing when you play outdoor roller hockey 3-4 times a week.

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I just got home from a game using my terrible D1c's. These things almost snapped my ankle tonight, Toward the end of the game it felt like the boot was made of wet paper towels. I tie the skates about 4 times during the game just to get a little extra support, but these skates no longer have anything to offer in that department. Who here is using a skate that they feel has top of the line support, and what is it? I need to know because I have a pretty big tourny coming up, and these skates just won't cut it if I have to play five games in one day. The only positive I can take away from these skates is I would imagine I am probably building some decent ankle strength playing in them.

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I totally agree with ATL. I've got Beemers from 2 years ago, and some teammates have Code1s (and had beemers). If you're not looking to pony up $400, you can get the Beemers for $200 at hockeygiant, or the Blue Max's for $150. I had a conversation with a VP at Tour about the similarities of the skates, and they're pretty much the same except the Blues are cut a bit higher.

Difference between Beemers and Code 1s is the weight. Code 1s come with better wheels and mini bearings as well.

After skating in mission hi-los for around 6 years, I tried the Tours and loved them. Keep in mind that sizes generally run about one full size smaller than mission.

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