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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok first off dont think that I'm lazy or anything because I always search for online equipment deals by myself but I have a problem... I need a set of lightspeed blade holders pretty quick. I checked with the LHS but i guess bauer wont let them just buy one set of holders so i'm searching online now. The lowest price i can find them is at hockeygiant for 50 dollars this is with the steel included. And i know the orange Lightspeed 2 holder and steel set is on HG for 40... but i'm looking for the orig.

grey lightspeed holder or the grey lightspeed 2 holder. I'm just wondering because ive searched almost everywhere and cant find my size in that style holder and im wondering if any of you guys stumbled upon any recently in a size 288 in the orig grey LS holder or the LS2 grey holder.

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If your interested in white, i've never heard of grey LS2's or LS's. 1800face off as holders for $18 in a few sizes left. I'd check it out.

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alright thanks miike ill check that out, what i mean by grey is where the little like rectangle pattern is on the back of the holder right below the TUUK sign. And on most LS2's ive seen (like the ones that come on the vapor xxx's) the little rectangle patterns on right below the tuuk sign are orange. Even though its just a cosmetic thing on the holder i just think that the skate im paring them with would look a little funny with the orange on it.

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Also to any shop owners on this website... I would be willing to buy a pair of lightspeed holders and blades if you have them available in a size 288 and if they have the grey rectangular design below the tuuk sign on the back of the holder. Just pm me

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Needed the holders quick so i just bought them off of 1800faceoff.com. Thanks for the heads up Miike.

Np, glad i could help.

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