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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate problem solved... Now for the wheels

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What would be the best wheels for roll-on for a 125 pound forward. Currently I have my old gripper lights, some old dynastys and some kuzak tri-pours. I have all of these on roll-on but I havent played in a year or two and am looking at new wheels. Has any one used the Kuzak Havocs? Call me krazy but I like kuzak wheels. WHat about the Labeda Fuzions? Rinks rats? any help?

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Hey HP,

While I would love to say Fuzions are a great choice they would only be for suited for sportcourt. A proven winner on roll-on would be the medium Gripper or the hard Gripper Extreme. The Extreme for freshly coated roll-on and the medium Gripper for everything else. Great choices at a great price point!

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You dont think I could pull off the fuzions...? When dynastys first came out I used them and had no problems. Ill look into the extremes. Thanks for the input. any one else?

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