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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chassis pitch question

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Hey folks, I put together a redstar alloy frame on a mission L7 boot and it's working gloriously for me. However, I"m gonna need a new pair for outdoor and can't really justify dropping the same amount for doing just that.

I picked up a (few) set(s) of Sherwood(redstar) e-frames and was wondering if some of you guy knew if they had the same pitch.

In the skates I put toegether, I'm more on my heels than on a usual mission frame where I 'm more on my toes. Can anyone help me out with tihis?

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Yeah the redstar alloys really put you back on your heels. I have some on 8090's and I'm coming from vapor 10's on tour redlines. I pretty used to it now but I think I like the forward pitch better. Is it possible to shim the redstar alloys in the back to get more of a forward pitch. If so, what exactly are used for shims?

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I dunno about shimming the chassis, I haven't seen that done since bauer and Riedell did it on their retail roller hockey skates back in 96 or so.

I've gotten used to the heel pitch as well and I'm really loving how I"m having an easier time using that posture to do some nifty puck tricks...

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