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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ceramic bearings

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Has anyone ever used ceramic bearings? And if so, how do they compare to the general steel ball bearings? Are they a newer technology? Any help is appreciated...thanks.

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They were made for speed skating to help reduce weight....mostly for long distance skating. Energy conservation etc. Plus they do not rust(for really really long races... :rolleyes: ). Ceramic can be ground even finer than steel because it is harder, so in theory they could have even less friction as well as less weight.

I would imagine they are more succeptible to impact damage than steel of course (even though they are harder than any steels used they do not have the compressive strength..meaning more brittle), but have not heard much about them in hockey. They were too expensive I think when they first came out for anyone to get too excited about trying them on a mass user basis....like $350.00 - $650.00/set of mini's. Those who used them usualy had someone else footing the bill.

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