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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Conversion options

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I am looking to convert some ice boots and i have a few skates that im looking at, the 2006 Nike bauer supreme 50 and the mission S500. Does anyone have any views on which i should get or any others i may like to consider as ive never used an ice boot before.




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What is your prefernce in skates, The missions offer a lot of forward flex for increased manuverability. And the Bauers are usually a stiffer skate. I am a little biased towards mission so I would say go with the S500 but it really depends on the type of skater you are. Another reason I would go with the missions is the S500 were top of te linse skates and the 50's are mid line skates. Also if you have a LHS with those skates in stock go try them on and se what fits your feet the best.

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If you're partial to those One-50s and you're willing to wait, take some time and wait for someone else, a "guinea pig" per say, to use the skates.

If you're okay in Missions, go ahead, the S-500s are great.

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Mission Roller is up half a size from Mission Ice.

10.5 Shoe = 10.5 Roller = 10 Ice

However, the synergy's wouldn't be a bad idea. I remember hearing something aout the 1300 having very breakable toecaps, though.

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Anyone know what sizing i would be in easton if im 12 in mission rollers?

Also does the same rule apply with the mission fuels being one size down from the roller missions?

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