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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Ultra Lite?

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After breaking 3 Mission L-2 shafts in about 6-7 months idecided to stop buying them. I used to use a ultra lite like 5-6 yrs ago and it never broke. Just wondering how the new ultra lites are. I am thinking about picking up a new grip model. I loved the way my shots were with the L-2 but i just cant keep buying new shafts all the time. Im debating weather to go tapered or not, maybe my shot was better because the L-2 was tapered... i dunno. i need a stronger shaft that will still perform and im lookin at the UL. Anyone use one now a days??? how do you like it??? are they still tanks that dont break??


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IT's still a good shaft, they haven't changed it more than cosmetically over the years.

It's on sale for 50 bucks right now at epuck.com.

My only gripe about it is that it feels a little softer on the puck than what I'm used to, but that might just be the blade I put on it...

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Mine are absolute tanks. I have one going on for the past 5 years. I have picked up better performance models as of late, but the UL's will always have a soft place in my heart. :D

I too hope that the new model/s are like the old gold ones.

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IT's still a good shaft, they haven't changed it more than cosmetically over the years.

It's on sale for 50 bucks right now at epuck.com.

My only gripe about it is that it feels a little softer on the puck than what I'm used to, but that might just be the blade I put on it...

THANK YOU for posting that. I forgot about ePuck. I just broke my 2004 (I think) Ultra Lite last night and was poking around for a reasonably priced shaft to replace it. I don't have a bunch of money right now, and $50 plus shipping is right up my alley!!!

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Woah. This got even better. So, I ordered the Ultra Lite that was on sale. It was a 2005 model, but who cares at that price? Well, I got a call today and was told they sold out! Instead of just telling me I'm out of luck, they offered me a great deal on a 2006 model! In just three days I should receive a 2006 Sr. Ultra Lite Grip for $60!!!

Link to my new shaft.

I'm psyched! :lol:

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Just ordered mine from inlinewarehouse for $86 and free shipping. Hope it is just like my origional orange one i had many many years ago haha

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Woah. This got even better. So, I ordered the Ultra Lite that was on sale. It was a 2005 model, but who cares at that price? Well, I got a call today and was told they sold out! Instead of just telling me I'm out of luck, they offered me a great deal on a 2006 model! In just three days I should receive a 2006 Sr. Ultra Lite Grip for $60!!!

Link to my new shaft.

I'm psyched! :lol:


you @$$!!!!

Well, gratz on your nifty new stick.

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