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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synergy 700

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I'm looking into buying a new pair of pants as the ones I have suck. I don't want to pay much more than 90$ Canadian plus taxes as I'm on a diet and expect to lose another 60 on top of the 73 already lost. So eventually, in 6 months or so I'll have to purchase another pair. Would the Easton Synergy 700 be a good pair of pants to look into?

thank you

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I have worn Easton Air (now called Synergy 700) pants before and I liked them a lot. They were really protective yet still comfortable. They were slightly bulky but it didn't seem to affect mobility. Also, Mission M-1 pants are great for the price. They can be found on hockeymonkey.com on clearance for $49 (click here). The M-1s have a lot of protection and are really comfortable (more comfortable than Eastons in my opinion). They are not the lightest pants but they offer a lot of mobility.

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At my size and somewhat limited talent, weight won't affect me much. I'm wearing Bauer Supremes I bought about 6-7 years ago and I find them quite bulky.. and now too big for me so pretty much any pant will be much better for me. I can't order from hockey monkey as they are in the States and I'll want to try them on too as their may be size issues. My Bauers are XL and they fit me when I was 338. I am now at 265 and now they are way too big but it seems that pants size has changed and varies a lot from a brand to the other.

thanks for you input, it's much appreciated.

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