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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whey Powder

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Boy, this is like deja vu all over again. We keep having the same discussion every 6months.

BEFORE you start taking all sorts of supplements, are you taking the most basic vitamins and minerals that EVERYONE agrees are essential to building muscle mass?

You need a good multivitamin

You need a magnesium/calcium mineral pill

You need some fish/flax seed oil capsules.

And you need to eat a lot of protein. It is true that your body can only ablsorb a little protein at a time, the rest goes straight into the toilet. That is why you take 6 or 7 smaller protein heavy meals a day! A little whey powder at one or two of those meals is just fine.

And Please do not forget to eat lost of fruits and veggies, and some good low glycemic carbs. Stuff like whole grain pasta cooked al dente', etc.

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It all depends on what you want to achieve. I want to gain weight. I fill up a 3 liter jug of protien shake (15 scoops at 25g of protien/scoop) and head to school/gym/power skating. I eat 5 rounded meals with snacks as well. I was 6'3 160 at the start of my training program. 2 months later im 20 lbs of solid muscle heavier.

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15 scoops at 25g of protien/scoop) and head to school/gym/power skating. .

15 scoops X 25 gm/scoop = 375 grams of protein.

According to this website: http://www.thefactsaboutfitness.com/research/chol.htm

60 grams of protein is the high end of how much your body can consume in a given meal. One might assume that one can digest a full meal every 2 hours or so. That means you might be able to actually use 30 grams of protein per hour (somebody help me if they have a better scientific source). So unless you are drinking this protein liquid over a 12 hour period of time, you are just pissing out most of it!

Sounds like a trip to the hospital to me! And good money down the toilet!

Try this: if you are going to drink your liquid over a period ot time T hours, then use this many scoops:

30 (grams/hour)/25 (grams/scoop) * T (hours) = 1.2 (scoops/Hour) * T (hours) =# of scoops to put in.

Example, if I am going to drink this stuff completely up over a three hours time period,

1.2 scoops/hour * 3 hours = 3.6 scoops total

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It all depends on what you want to achieve. I want to gain weight. I fill up a 3 liter jug of protien shake (15 scoops at 25g of protien/scoop) and head to school/gym/power skating. I eat 5 rounded meals with snacks as well. I was 6'3 160 at the start of my training program. 2 months later im 20 lbs of solid muscle heavier. 

Shagel--that is protein overload. You gaining 20 lbs is attributed more to genetics and more importantly at 6'3" 160 how many calories you are getting. To me it sounds like you stepped up your calories--if you look at a lot of athletes (for example b-ball players) that are skinny the first thing they do to get their weight up is ramp up calories big time---protein isn't that big of a factor.

FYI--it's funny you say you are 20lbs heavier of solid muscle--you are the exact same height 6'3" and weight 180 as me and I, too, was 160 back in high school/college. But I wouldn't classify as us having solid muscle---more like lean muscle which is good.

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Protien builds muscle and muscle weighs quite a bit. I have racked up my calorie intake by taking calorie rich liquids with my shakes. and i do agree with the lean comment.

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