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Speed Demon

Transfering a bitmap over internet

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I have made a painting and saved it as a bitmap image. When I upload it to a site, it becomes a JPEG. My problem is that I want to reopen it as a bitmap on another computer, not a JPEG. I want to do this because if any of you have ever had a JPEG image opened on paint, and you have tried to use the "fill with color" tool on the back ground, you notice that a lot of places around the main image don't get colored, because they are different shades. So my main question: Is there a site that allows me to transfer bitmaps over without the image becoming a JPEG?


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You have to download the winzip application first. Go to tucows.com or download.com and d/l and install it. It's pretty simple after that. Just highlight the file and right-click it. Winzip should have installed a feature in the dropdown list called "Add to Zip" or "Add to <name of file>.zip". Pick the first one if you want to name the .zip file yourself or the second one if you want it named after the file. It'll ask you where to save the .zip file after that so just choose where you want it and you're done.

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You can give the .zip file an extension other then .zip and then rename it back once it's downloaded again. If you name it say .jpg, upload it and then open the URL for it in the browser. You'll get and error saying it can't be displayed but if you go to File -> Save As you'll be able to save it to your HD. Just rename it back to .zip at that point and it will work perfectly (I just tested it out).

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You can give the .zip file an extension other then .zip and then rename it back once it's downloaded again. If you name it say .jpg, upload it and then open the URL for it in the browser. You'll get and error saying it can't be displayed but if you go to File -> Save As you'll be able to save it to your HD. Just rename it back to .zip at that point and it will work perfectly (I just tested it out).

Awesome, thanks a lot.

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