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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel Problem

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I have 2 sets back wheels of rink rat hornets gold/purple and when i put any bearings in them, the bearings are really loose and they make noises when i i skate. But when i put the bearings in my hotshots or some other of my wheels they fit perfectly and make no noise. Obviously i'd rather use the hornets but does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with them or what i can do to stop the problem with the hornets?


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I have never experiences anything like this but it wouldn't hurt to give Rink Rat a call. They may be able to help you out.

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I had the same problem and was able to save a few by removing the excess plastic inside the hub.The self centering floating spacer was coming in contact with the excess plastic.Some of the wheels were had to be returned due to the bearing seat in the hub being to large and off center.I will take the old style hubs back .I have been dealing with this hub problem on 4-sets now.I never had a single problem with the old hubs.The Hornet is still the best wheel out there imo.

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