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Shin guards....Vector 10 or Reebok 7k

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I'm looking at getting some new shin guards and my LHS doesn't have either the Vector 10 or the Reebok 7k. Online they are the same price, does anyone have any experience with either or both.

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They fit really differently.If you have narrow legs you don't want to get the Vector because they are very wide. The 10s have a free floating calf protector and the 7ks are attached to the pad so that gives a different feel. The main thing is the fit though...Narrower legs you'd want to go with the 7k, wide legs you might be more comfortable with the Vectors. I don't know if you are set on those two, but take a look into the Stealth S9. They are a little more expensive but I think it's the best high end pad out there.

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They look pretty nice also and they aren't that much more. But my LHS doesn't carry them either. They carry the Reebok 6K, and they are really comfortable, but that's about the best shin guard they carry.

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They fit really differently.If you have narrow legs you don't want to get the Vector because they are very wide. The 10s have a free floating calf protector and the 7ks are attached to the pad so that gives a different feel. The main thing is the fit though...Narrower legs you'd want to go with the 7k, wide legs you might be more comfortable with the Vectors. I don't know if you are set on those two, but take a look into the Stealth S9. They are a little more expensive but I think it's the best high end pad out there.

Can't you take some of the inner padding out of the 7Ks?

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I have the 7k's, I love them, my shins are normal width I guess, but to me, the 7k's look pretty wide but all the padding make it fit nice, as far as taking padding out, I've never really tried.. I never have tried on the vector so I can't help out there, but I'm sure you won't be disappointed with the 7ks.

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