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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 705 vs. G5

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Can anyone comment on the differences between these two skates? How much of a weight difference is there, how is the protection on the G5, things like that? thanks.

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The weight differance isn't very significant between the 2 models. The G5 feels a little bit lighter. The G5 is slightly stiffer than the 705 and it comes with a carbon fiber outsole. In my experience, the 700 series skates are more durable than the G series skates. The carbon outsole on my G5s chips pretty easily if hit by a puck or stick. The G5 feels a little bit more responsive than the 705 because of the carbon outsole and stiffer sides. If you want a skate that will last multiple seasons, get the 705. If you want all out performance with less durability, get the G5.

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