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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cooper's Test

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Alrite, Sunday evening I have to do the Cooper's Test for soccer, for the final time this season. It's a 12 minute run, where you have to run as far as you can in that time span. We do it on a track. I'm in shape and all, and have had "excellent" ratings, but it's more mental, but physically I am in shape. To the point, between now, and than, what would be the best meals to take, and when would be the best to take them, along with snacks and drinks and so forth...

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eat at least 2 hours before. than go for a redbull(the chinese one!), and 45 minute before, Go for a chocolate bar and then listen to your best pump up song! Anyways that what i did, did this test 3 times at my school got over 100% and 2x 98%.

There is no special food that will make you run faster LOL.

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