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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forsberg or Federov

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I know that the Easton Forsberg, Warrior Federov, and Bauer PM9 are considered clones of each other. But here's my situation: I hate the Forsberg and love the PM9. Seems to me the PM9 is just a little longer and a little more open than the Modo/Forsberg. But I can't find any more PM9 tapered blades for my XV shaft, so I'm wonderig if the Federov Dolomite blade is more like Easton's Forsberg or Bauer's PM9. For most of you, this probably sounds like splitting hairs, but like I said, PM9 is a perfect curve for me and the the Forsberg is not.

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Last time I compared those curves (which was a long time ago) they all had different lies. Are you aware of that? That would make you like one more than the other.

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I've got them all (except my Federov is an Inno) & I can't tell the difference. They are all extremely close, & despite some incorrect charts, the lies are all exactly the same. If I remember correctly, the Inno's heel was slightly more rounded, but the lie exactly the same. I'll line em all up again tomorrow to make sure, but I've done this before.

I also prefer the XV PM9, but I attribute it to the blade construction, & not the pattern.

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