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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH 4500 helmet

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Does anyone know how the NBH 4500 helmet fit compares to the nike 0004 and bauer 5000? Is it exactly the same as the 0004? Because I have a large 5000 and it fits good at the smallest setting but i tried a large 0004 and it was way too big at the smallest setting so does anyone know how the new 4500 will compare to the two?

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Does anyone know how the NBH 4500 helmet fit compares to the nike 0004 and bauer 5000? Is it exactly the same as the 0004? Because I have a large 5000 and it fits good at the smallest setting but i tried a large 0004 and it was way too big at the smallest setting so does anyone know how the new 4500 will compare to the two?

pretty sure there the same.... not sure about that tho... correct me if im wrong.

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Just bought the 4500 after wearing the 4000 for the past 2 years. Fit and padding is almost identical. I only had to make the 4500 a touch bigger. And I mean a touch. No difference other than that. Size wise. :)

Edit: Also wore the Nike 0004 for a year along with the 4000. Same helmet, different logo basically. Still have both of those to compare with the 4500. Again, only had to make the 4500 just a hair bigger.

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