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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So everytime i start up my computer it comes up my username and says i need a password, no other usernames come up and i dont even have a password, so anyway, i click ok, without puttin in a password and my account starts up. I go to user accounts in control panel and find out that something called Netware has disabled the welcome screen and changing accounts and all that and to get it to work i need to uninstall the netware (btw its in control panel among the other control panel things) but i dunno how, so could anyone help?


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either use the uninstall that comes with it or use the Add/Remove Programs in your Control Panel and click Remove when you've selected Netware, or if it's spyware I guess you could run spybot or adaware and see if that gets rid of it.

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Vapor asked me to pass this advice along to you: Get a Mac.

Isn't Netware the managment software for a network logon? Do a google on "disabling a Windows password" there is a way to do it, I just can't recall.

What Windows are you running?

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either use the uninstall that comes with it or use the Add/Remove Programs in your Control Panel and click Remove when you've selected Netware, or if it's spyware I guess you could run spybot or adaware and see if that gets rid of it.

Tried that there is no uninstall thing and its not in add/remove programs and i dont think its spyware.

And radio, i did the search but i honestly dont have a clue what im lookin for, like ya see when i start up the computer, the login thing is liek msn messenger, if ya get me? but instead of my email address its my username and then password. Im sorry im not much help, but i hope ya can help me.

im runnin xp professional

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