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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good Ankle support skate?

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I used to skate with 1152 2003 and had this kind of problem after using them for my last 6 month of use(i used them for 24month). I'm now skating on 852 2004 and i feel a bit ''unstable'' at the ankle.

I found a solution but pretty annoying, i need to place my tongue on my left on my left skate and on my right on my right skate. So my tongue is not in the center. That why it take out the space between my ankle/foot so i'm not unbalanced. But the tongue doesn't stay in place so i need to play with my tongue every shift. i just need to do one good cross-over and my tongue is back in place.

Also, the stiffness off my boot is still pretty good.I can't lace my skate too tight because i need forward flex.

So what are my possibilty or any trick to resolve my problem?? I can put around 400cnd$. Also, i used the flexlite and can,t get used to the high cut boot.

So i can buy the 8k,vector 7,supreme 8000(i think),pro tack(2004),mission mid-end.


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