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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Upper Body Protector reviews?

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looking to purchase a Hyper Hypertection Upper Body Protector as they are going for about $25

just looking for light spinal protection, and shoulder protection against cross checks

any may be the odd puck in the chest...

any one ever use this.. any opinions

i am looking to use this for ice hockey in a non-check league, as i dont like to wear shoulder pads, thought this would be a better alternative...

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From my experience using it, If the cross check hits you right on the joint, then it wont do anything. The padding i only on the top, and on the bicep, not the joint.

If you get hooked or anything then the protector does help a lot, but if you get much contact with a puck it will still hurt. But it will hurt a lot less than if you were wearing nothing.

I use this for Full contact roller (with a ball), non-checking puck inline, and full contact ice (when i play).

Hope this helps a bit, if you have any questiong, feel free to ask.

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