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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Youth Pre-Season Roller Hockey Mini-camp

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Youth Pre-Season Roller Hockey Mini-camp

Prepare for your team's try-outs in the fall, knock off the rust from summer vacation, or just hone your skills before the season begins. This will be a two-day camp for house and travel level youth players (Target age 10-15). The camp will be coached by the Head Coach of the Florida State University Roller Hockey Team and the Head Coach of the Tallahassee Senators.

Date: August 5-6

Time: (Exact times TBD)

Location: Tallahassee, FL Parkway Arena

Cost: $65

E-mail (info@fsurollerhockey.com) for more information if interested


The emphasis of this camp will be on "Hockey Smarts" and taking your game to the next level. Instruction will be in small group settings as much as possible. Off-court instruction will also be included. Topics will include physical and mental game prep, equipment selection, game strategy, off-court training and more!

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