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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need help

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I have been searching for a new pair of Easton Synergy 1300c's for what feels like forever now in a size 8.5R. The problem is that no one has them, not ebay, not east west hockey, or any other hockey shop. How is it possible that these skates disappered off the face of the planet? If anyone can help me in my search I would greatly appreciate it because I am running out of ideas.

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I was looking for those too but i decided to just give up. Keep checking eBay though. If you can't find them, maybe just go for the 1200c's

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My LHS has some 1300's in stock. I'm not sure what sizes they have. The phone number is 702-320-7777, call and see if they can help you.

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  chk hrd said:
My LHS has some 1300's in stock. I'm not sure what sizes they have. The phone number is 702-320-7777, call and see if they can help you.
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i cannot remember the name of the shop, but i know there is one down there is Vegas that had a TON of Easton skates on sale- they have them because of the booking policy to get sticks from Easton. someone has got to know the name of the shop. Vegas Boys....HELP

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I dont know about any of the other LHS but we boxed all of ours up and sent them all back to easton. i assumed they were recalling them because of the toe cap problem but honestly i dont know.

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  rugdnit said:
  chk hrd said:
My LHS has some 1300's in stock. I'm not sure what sizes they have. The phone number is 702-320-7777, call and see if they can help you.
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i cannot remember the name of the shop, but i know there is one down there is Vegas that had a TON of Easton skates on sale- they have them because of the booking policy to get sticks from Easton. someone has got to know the name of the shop. Vegas Boys....HELP

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It's the pro shop in the Las Vegas Ice Center

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Superman...they may have recalled them because of the ankle problems.

Unless you know for a fact they don't mess with your ankles, I would highly reccomend getting either the 1500 or 1200 skate if you want to go for Synergies.

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