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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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flat chassis

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ok so im bidding on a final factor chassis rite now and im just wondering if i should put size 76mm wheels on them or smaller ones, your thoughts?

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Wheel size on flat frames depends on your size. If you're small, maybe you want to use 72s to lower the hight and leverage on your ankles, but the 76s are faster. We've mounted some of our frames (which are flat 76) on some size 5.5 boots, and we put 68s on them cause the kids were so small. After skaters with smaller feet like a 6-7 get used to the frame they usually switch on to the 76s.

Adults with small feet always use the 76s. Seniors don't want small stuff. I think that's why senior sizes start with the 6, using most companies medium frame. If it weren't for that, I think they'd use a small frame on the 6. The wheel size doesn't change the wheel base, just the hight.

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